Do you like to read, all nestled in your pajamas, mask hanging from the lamplight extended above the book you're holding? Are you okay with picking up some LED-light-blocking glasses to read an online literary journal through your computer screen?, born in 1997 to a marriage of literary work and articles of community case studies, focuses on place. It's my new favorite online literary journal, and I’ve been scrolling through on these dreary quarantine days. It includes poetry, nonfiction, fiction, and interviews all separated and easy to click through. The image art is ominous and earthy. Your soul will open up when it experiences the conjoining of the built and natural environments.
I put on my sneakers thinking about what Rob Carney said about holding onto vivid moments and passing them from writer to reader from his piece featured on “Why We Have Writing.” In it, he talks about his flash piece on his personal gratification of being in an airplane watching lightning strike within the clouds, wishing for another fellow lightning lover to share this moment with. Once he wrote the piece, he finally was able to share it with someone: the reader.
While coming home from a jog across the neighborhood in the brisk early-autumn air, I think of this exact phenomenon and it inspires me to think about the stories I want to create and I hope it can do the same for you. I’m always trying to explore new literary journals to find work that can hold anchor for me, like the boats tied to the docks rocking in the marina.
Find out what we think together with My LED-light-blocking glasses’ lens reflect these images through which writers are only a click away.
